Tuesday, January 08, 2008

Summer of...

While all the drama off the cricket pitch has detracted from an exciting game 2, a bigger issue is at stake if India does pull out of their tour - What the heck to do to fill the void that is summer tv. Not that I'd be glued to the box throughout the season, but the cricket does help to fill those hot summer nights or when you couldn't be arsed getting off the couch. There's only so much criminal drama one can take, and with the promos of David Caruso hands on hips, furrowed brow ready to deliver a packet of wisdom to a would-be crook one thanks for the invention of dvds and the Internet.

For the first time I can remember, I'm taking some interest in American politics. It's been fascinating drawing parallels to the West Wing, and hasn't taken long for candidates from both parties to begin digging and throwing the dirt on their own. Lucky they've all just managed to scrape together the multi millions to keep their campaigns going. I'm sure none of the contributors are expecting favours if they get in too...

One nugget that took me from left field was the new feature length Futurama straight-to-dvd episode. Mysteriously, I managed to get my hands on a copy and was happy that it kept to the formula of old, and didn't seem to lose a step after all these years. What's more encouraging is that a once discarded show managed to get resurrected. (I think at least for a few more feature length dvds) Without spoiling the story, the first few minutes allowed the writers to get a few gripes off their chests in a typical Groening/Simpsons dig at higher powers.

While it may seem a little unsociable, what else can you do on back to back 40+ degree days?


At Wednesday, January 09, 2008 2:06:00 am, Blogger yossarian said...

jonno, i've gotta ask how you managed to get your mitts on the futurama straight-to-dvd episode??? it's good to know this little gem exists, since now i can go and track it down over here...

...and as for american politics, be grateful that you can watch and chuckle at it from afar - imagine my horror when the first images i saw on my newly-connected tv were obama being hugged by oprah ;-o

voting in the states isn't compulsary, and as one of my workmates told me, it's no wonder that voter turnout is so poor come polling day, since after two odd years of campaigning, everyone's had just about enough.

At Monday, January 14, 2008 8:32:00 pm, Blogger Jonno said...

yossarian, unfortunately I can't reveal too much as to my source, although I'm looking forward to the commentaries when it gets released here in March ;) I believe it's been in the states for a while so hopefully you won't have any trouble getting it there... As for American politics I almost think that your encounter is enough to have the tv returned...well, all that we can be assured of is that whomever get in will be better than who's there now...


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